Neglectful Blogger
Well, there's nothing like being linked to someone else's blog to wake me up and admit I haven't been writing here, or anywhere else for that matter, for too many days(weeks!). I'm telling myself I'm saving it all up for my upcoming writing residency, but if I don't start practicing a little bit, I'm going to be doing nothing up there except staring at the gorgeous autumn leaves (I cannot WAIT to be in the Northeast for fall!) and canoeing aimlessly around Blue Mountain Lake.
I've been busy. I spent the month of August and early part of September organizing a family camp for adoptive families of color. It was great work. The perfect antidote to the weird solitude of being a writer. I am so lucky to have this job, which ebbs and flows at different times of year. Now it's at an ebb season, and so I get to go away and remember that I'm a writer.
I'm lucky. Really, really lucky to have an amazing, supportive spouse who encourages this type of regular, sustained getaway. Lucky to have flexible, supportive kids who have gotten used to me disappearing for a few weeks every couple of years. Lucky to have a good mom who will help to keep things running smoothly while I'm gone. Reflecting on all of this good fortune inevitably makes me believe that my plane is going to explode on the way to New York, or that some awful thing will happen when I'm gone, but I'm doing my best to push those thoughts out of the way and to just focus on the productive time I've got waiting ahead.